Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ugh...sick babies are the worst

Well Jonas is sick and so are we...its just a really bad cold, but babies with bad colds are horrible...
It all started sunday with just a runny nose and some irritability but it quickly turned into all out yuckiness...complete with diarrhea and oh did I mention IRRITABILITY (his first and now mine) so yesterday we thought...lets take him to the doctor surely he has an ear infection, sinus infection, something requiring hard sleep inducing drugs.....no such luck just a "virus" whatever that means so here I am stuck with a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, and don't forget irritable almost two year old....I think he has already figured out the sick rule...you know the one where when your sick you can act like a total crazy and somehow you still look cute...I think God creates moms to be totally submissive to this rule even when they themselves also feel horrible...I just love viruses...oh and before you start to get visions of this weepy eyed little boy curling up with me in the bed your wrong...sickness for Jonas looks almost the same as when he is well except for now we get the luxury of antihistimines...and of course they dont knock him out like they do me (or andrew yesterday)...oh no they supercharge his energy level to gianormous proportions...so he is running around happy one minute then screaming the next...oh well I waited how many years for this....oh yeah almost four and it is still worth it...I can almost hear my parents saying "payback" under their breath for all those times I was sick and insisted I felt better only to play for two hours and throw up all over the living room floor...don't worry I remember....now more than ever...

1 comment:

preachinmoose08 said...

sorry to hear you guys are sick...
I assume you are still having a good time in Michigan...as I always enjoy your updates...miss you guys quite a bit...but KC and NTS isn't too bad

oh yeah I have a blog too (actually 2)