Thursday, January 14, 2010

14wks...let the second trimester begin...

Well we have officially made it to the second trimester. You may be like me and naively think that the second trimester begins at 12 weeks but no in fact they don't consider you second trimester until 14 wks. Who knew? This is just one of the detailed facts I have learned since becoming pregnant, but who cares we finally made it!!! I feel so much more confident and am starting to really accept the fact that there really is a baby in there. In fact I experienced my first belly touch today. I still think I just look like one of those high school girls that wears their pants to tight and ends up with a slightly prego belly on top, but Andrew assures me that no it is too round to be considered a muffin top. (He's so sweet) Anyways back to the belly happened at the dentist's office today I followed the tech to the room and she got me just before I sat down. She put her hand firmly on my stomach and said "What's this?"(I'm pretty confident she had inside info from my chart) I never really understood how unnerving it is to have a stranger touch your stomach (especially when its poking out a bit). I know this is only going to get worse, and for those of you who know I'm not too fond of touching this should be a challenge. It's kind of funny though how people who normally would never just reach out and touch a strangers stomach will feel compelled to once they know you are pregnant:) I think it will maybe be better once I can feel the baby move, but right now it just feels like they are touching my pooching belly...not cool.
Anyways in other news the tear seems to be healing (my symptoms have gone away) maybe they will do an ultrasound to confirm that for sure, until then I have another 2 wks of the modified bed rest. However they did clear me to go on our Junior high retreat this weekend as long as I promise to rest and take care of myself which of course is my number one priority. It will be nice to get out of the house though...I can hardly wait. Everyone else is doing great. I could not ask for a more understanding and patient husband. Andrew has just been incredible! Jonas is doing good also. He had his first dentist appointment today and he did really great. I had to sit in the chair with him but he let them clean and even floss his teeth. I was so proud. He is so excited about a sibling. He always says he wants a sister so we will see.
There is no news on the adoption front, but we did tell our social worker about the pregnancy and she was really excited. Hopefully the adoption will go through soon. I am feeling myself growing impatient as the weeks go on, but all in Gods time which is always perfect. This is just such an exciting journey I am trying to remind myself to enjoy the steps along the way and not to look too far ahead. I think thats easier said than done but its another lesson I am happy to learn.

1 comment:

Bizzy said...

People STILL don't believe me when I say second tri doesn't start til 14 weeks! Even people who are on their 3rd pregnancy!

Glad everything is going great!!